Peak College is now offering ONLINE CLASSES! Due to COVID – 19 outbreak, global reports indicate an increase demand of healthcare workers all across Canada. Take this chance to help and contribute to the growing needs of our health…
20 questions to change the direction of dementia anxiety and aggression I discovered through personal experience, research and observation that people living with dementia (PLWD) behave in logical, natural and understandable ways to stressful situations, just like most of the rest…
NEW and EXCITING NEWS at PEAK COLLEGE ! We are well under our way into the traditional study term, being mid-October, and Peak College is as busy as ever with some of the best students we have seen! Under…
News Release Ontario Boosting Nursing, Personal Support in Major Expansion of Home Care Patients, Families to Benefit from 2.6 Million More Hours of Home Care Across Province October 5, 2017 12:30 P.M.Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Ontario is…
Can you imagine running into your former teacher only to find out that she/he’s now your co-worker? This is a story about Alyssa, one of our graduates at Peak Private Healthcare College and Nikki, one of our teachers at…