
Please check often for our case studies:

Wow, one achievement unlocked! Yes I’ve come this far and there’s no stopping now. Although the road to this achievement was not really easy at all for I was pregnant then. I have a one-year old and I was pregnant at the same time when I took the course. I was in that stage of a postpartum depression and I don’t know what to do. I felt like I’m useless and worthless. I was a total mess. Then one day I came across this school that offers courses and I was kinda intrigued. So I went to click on its website and saw everything in there. I told my husband about it and he was so open ears to hear me. I told him I want to study. Honestly, I just wanna be out. I want to see new faces. I don’t wanna be stucked in the house and just be a full-time mom. And so I enrolled in this school and everyone is very accommodating and friendly. My very first day was the best. I only have one Filipino classmate and the rest were from other nationality. As days go by, and my tummy starts to grow bigger, the more I learned how much I love the fact that I’m studying. At first I just wanna be out but then I started discovering my old self. The one that loves to study, an achiever and a dreamer. Peak College has the best teachers and staff. Everyone was so helpful and considerate. There were times I almost quit because of my situation but Ms. Yunny is always there to remind me that I can do it. She was there to lift me up when I don’t feel like completing the course anymore. She would never stop making follow-ups in each student. I can truly say that they indeed are more than happy to see each student graduate and finish the course. And in my case, I dreamt, I believed, I worked and I conquered. I consider this as a milestone for me and the best gift I can give to my husband with all his hardships and the love and support he had given me. The school and my family has seen me through all these challenges and has brought me to this completion. Now I’m ready to face more challenges in this world. Thank you so much to the whole administration of Peak Healthcare College! I love you all.

July 11, 2017

Jenmarie De Barros

I got hired at AMICA, as a RCP position.

Thanks for all you guys helping me while I’m in school,,

Regards to maam Yunny, maam Offelia, sir Art,, most specially to a wonderful Maam JUDY!


Peak college is based on high quality of facility for education such as lifting machine, worker and resident bed with demo which is required as necessary skills to work in the field and new computer lab for final N test. Of course great teachers to lead students. Before my self into the clinical practicum pleace, i doubt my ablity and i do not have much confidence to perform as a personal support worker, but once i jumped in the clinical field i realized that i know what to do independently also i’m greatly ready being a personal support worker by a great education from peak college
So i think There is no limit to progress and go for you.
Jiyoung Jang


I wish to extend heartfelt gratitude to the Peak college administrator Judy Cohen and staff for making my journey here a success.

At Peak College, the comradeliest among staff and colleagues was immeasurable.

Each module and workshops were well presented, knowledge imparted through theory, practical and demos by qualified resources health personnel’s, thus reinforcing concepts and content to make us equipped and successful.

I am advocating……

Take advantage of this PSW certificate program which covers NACC curriculum. It will be of invaluable contribution to you the PSW, the client and the healthcare institution.

Thank you


Back in 2014, I had to do something for my second career for the rest
of my life. Finally, I found Peak Healthcare College.

After seaching everywhere this has become a turning point when I started taking theory course and practicum since last September.

It wasn’t easy due to limited English skills but I tried my best, never stopping to learn new knowledge and hands-on skills.

At last, I got a job right after the course. Currently, I am working as a PSW at Sunrise and still learning something new everyday.

I would like to give special thanks to director Judy, the teachers, Yunny and other staff who supported, encourged me until now.

I truly appreciate all that Peak College has done for me.

Anne K
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Ontario Association of Career Colleges

Peak College is Registered as a private career college under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005